1. 豆油:bean of white hyacinth dolichos 白扁豆 | bean oil 豆油 | bean paste 豆瓣酱
2. 豉油:3016 除香精油外的蛋糕调味香料 Flavorings, other than essential oils, for cakes 3014,3015 | 3016 豉油 bean oil 3014,3015 | 3016 胡椒 pepper 3014,3015
3. 大豆油:豆类去荚机,豆类去皮机 bean huller | 大豆油 bean oil | 豆瓣酱,豆酱,味噌 bean paste,miso
1. This is made of bits of mung bean fried with vegetable oil.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. Fry the garlic and bean paste in a little oil and add the mince.
3. Break up the fermented bean curd and add sugar, wine and sesame oil to make a fine paste.
4. danci.911cha.com
4. Bean imports were still rising in the first three seasons this year, as were imports of cotton and edible oil.