
bean [bi:n]  [bin] 



bean 基本解释

名词豆; 豆形种子; 毫无价值的东西



bean 相关词组

1. without a bean : 一个钱也没有;

2. haven't a bean : 身无分文;

3. full of beans : 精神旺盛的, 弄错的;

4. spill the beans : 说漏嘴;

bean 情景对话



A:Can anyone tell me where I can buy the ingredients to make Chinese food?

B:There is a supermarket in Kensington High Street. I’ll come and give you a hand.

A:That is good of you.

B:Here, take one of these trolleys. What do you want exactly?

A:I’m after things to stuff dumplings with, like Chinese cabbage, bean sprouts, that sort of thing. I also need some Soya sauce and vinegar. Oh, and some lychees or honeydew melon to finish with.

B:The fruit and vegetables are over there.

A:Pork. Where’s the meet counter?

B:Over there.

bean 网络解释


1. 菜豆:对于菜豆(bean)作物,由于寒冷潮湿的天气影响了菜豆的耕种,因此,仅有2/3的菜豆作物被耕种,其他播种太晚的大豆将抵挡不住九月和十月的霜冻天气. 预计今年菜豆的收获量仅占国家计划收获量的80-90%.

2. 憨豆先生:>综艺消息,去年执导了处女作<<绅士联盟启示录>>(The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse)的史蒂夫.班德莱克(Steve Bendelack)将会执导著名电视喜剧<<憨豆先生>>(Bean)电影版第二集.

bean 词典解释

1. 豆;豆子;豆荚
    Beans such as green beans, French beans, or broad beans are the seeds of a climbing plant or the long thin cases which contain those seeds.

2. 干豆
    Beans such as soya beans and kidney beans are the dried seeds of a bean plant.

3. (咖啡)豆;(可可)豆;(巧克力)豆
    Beans such as coffee beans or cocoa beans are the seeds of plants that are used to produce coffee, cocoa, and chocolate.

4. 烘豆
    Beans are baked beans .

    e.g. ...sausage and beans.

5. (一文)钱
    If someone has not got a bean, they have no money at all.

    e.g. It's quite incredible to think that he now hasn't got a bean...
    e.g. It doesn't cost a bean.

6. 充满活力的;兴高采烈的;生机勃勃的
    If someone is full of beans, they are very lively and have a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

    e.g. Jem was full of beans after a long sleep.

7. bean的翻译

7. 泄露秘密
    If you spill the beans, you tell someone something that people have been trying to keep secret.

bean 单语例句

1. bean

1. A typical case involves tainted bean sprouts in Shenyang, capital of Northeast China's Liaoning province.

2. Spoon some rice and red bean mixture into the cavity and add four or five lotus nuts.


3. Wash the soy bean clean and cut off both ends so as to allow them to absorb the liquid during boiling.

4. bean的解释

4. Wang said they chose Kunming because the company's first global coffee bean farm is located in the province.

5. Green beans have no smell, but roasting helps decode and release the secrets of each coffee bean variety.

6. And industry analysts say the persistent drought would also threaten coffee bean output in the next three years as well.

7. Coffee Spring features finely prepared, pure coffee from the distinctive Robusta coffee bean to give the spring a refreshing effect.

8. Maybe the coffee bean to water ratio wasn't golden or the pot had been warmed for too long.

9. Starting from 1963, coffee bean production grew steadily and the worst time of scarcity was over.

10. Fresh vegetables with sweet bean paste and sliced spiced beef shank are good cold appetizers to start.

bean 英英释义


1. informal terms for a human head

    Synonym: attic bonce noodle noggin dome

2. any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae used for food

    Synonym: edible bean

3. any of various leguminous plants grown for their edible seeds and pods

    Synonym: bean plant

4. any of various seeds or fruits that are beans or resemble beans



1. hit on the head, especially with a pitched baseball