bed down

bed down [bed daun]  [bɛd daʊn] 

bed down 基本解释

bed down


bed down 相关例句


1. I'll bed down on the chairs.

bed down 网络解释


1. 安排过夜:be willing to乐于 | bed down安排过夜 | begin with以...开始,开始于

2. 准备住处;使用住处:14.look alike 看起来一样 | 15.bed down 准备住处;使用住处 | 16.standing-room ticket 站票

3. 铺床睡:bed board 床板 | bed down 铺床睡 | bed of down 如意境遇

4. 安排睡处; 临时搭铺; 过夜; 给牲畜铺草过夜;(船只)搁浅; 沉没:bed and breakfast (旅社等提供的)住宿和(次日)早餐 | bed down 安排睡处; 临时搭铺; 过夜; 给牲畜铺草过夜;(船只)搁浅; 沉没 | bed in [军](炮手)固定炮位, 准备射击

bed down 词典解释
bed down

1. 睡在…;在…过夜
    If you bed down somewhere, you sleep there for the night, instead of in a bed.

    e.g. On those nights when they could find no monastery or inn to take them in, they bedded down in the fields.

bed down 单语例句

1. The officials then dragged a naked Lu out of bed and into the yard, demanding an apology by pushing him down on the ground.

2. bed down的近义词

2. But Ding shot from the bed, grabbing a pole and taking down two of the burglars.

3. bed down的翻译

3. But when a rescuer is short and the victim is on a hospital bed, it can be hard to get enough leverage to press down on the chest.

4. bed down

4. " It is all new in Europe and will take years to bed down, " says Mr Lindsell.

5. bed down的近义词

5. He followed a creek bed down to a beach, where rescuers found him.

6. As soon as he entered the house, he tumbled on the bed and lay down for two days.

7. As she gazes at the empty bed, tears come streaming down her face.

8. The medium acts as a natural fermentation bed that releases beneficial bacteria, which can break down a pig's excreta.

9. The increased use of bed nets and indoor spraying has already helped bring down transmissions inside homes.

10. The God's Bed was said to be able to cure any illness if a person were to lie down on it.

bed down 英英释义


1. bed down在线翻译

1. go to bed

    e.g. We bedded down at midnight

    Synonym: bunk down