
begrudge [bɪˈgrʌdʒ]  [bɪˈɡrʌdʒ] 






begrudge 基本解释

及物动词嫉妒; 吝惜; 勉强做; 不乐意地付出

begrudge 相关例句


1. She did not begrudge the money spent on her children's education.

2. She begrudged her friend the award.

begrudge 网络解释


1. 嫉妒:谁知莫摩斯看了他们的杰作,非常嫉妒(begrudge),于是他说他们都犯了错误:宙斯,应该把牛的眼睛放在角上,这样牛就能看见撞倒了什么地方;普罗米修斯,应该把人的心挂在身体外面,这样所有人心里的想法都能表露出来,坏人就不能伪装了;

2. 感到不快/不满,忌妒:Exchequer Bond 国库债券 | 9. begrudge 感到不快/不满,忌妒 | 10. humdrum 平淡的,单调的

3. 吝惜:begrimedgrimygrubbysqualid 污秽的 | begrudge 吝惜 | begrudge 舍不得给

4. 舍不得给:begrudge 吝惜 | begrudge 舍不得给 | begrudge 嫉妒

begrudge 词典解释

1. 妒忌;嫉妒
    If you do not begrudge someone something, you do not feel angry, upset, or jealous that they have got it.

    e.g. I certainly don't begrudge him the Nobel Prize.

2. 吝啬;吝惜;舍不得
    If you do not begrudge something such as time or money, you do not mind giving it up.

    e.g. I do not begrudge the money I have lost.

begrudge 单语例句

1. Schools tend to begrudge time, energy and money to be invested in physical education.

2. This designer has been known to lament the way many begrudge her success, cynics who view her as the lucky progeny of rock royalty.

3. It's hard to begrudge someone supporting his or her team when you know you're guilty of the same thing.

4. " At that time people would rather suffer from hunger than begrudge the money for education, " said Luo.

5. begrudge的意思

5. Why should we begrudge a poet for trying out something simple or silly?

begrudge 英英释义


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. wish ill or allow unwillingly

    Synonym: resent

2. be envious of
    set one's heart on

    Synonym: envy