1. begs
1. So it begs the question, perhaps the correct time students should spend in school is the middle ground?
2. begs
2. All that calorie burning begs the question of how we ought to feed ourselves so as to make our toil and trouble worth it.
3. If pessimism is a risk factor for premature death, that begs the question of whether anything can be done about it.
4. Plus, the average price quoted also begs some explanation - including how it was arrived at.
5. begs的翻译
5. But it also begs the question of what is a smarter and more effective way to handle the thorny issue.
6. This is the belief of some commentators, but Ren Zhiqiang begs to differ.
7. begs的意思
7. A farmer begs for money in Beijing to feed his son after he said they fled the eastern province of Anhui due to flooding.
8. A person should not be deprived of such constitutional guarantees simply because he or she begs.
9. begs的反义词
9. The letter describes her disease and begs her father to save her.
10. begs的近义词
10. The issue begs the question whether employers can be genuinely concerned with the welfare of their workers.