
begum [ˈbeɪgəm]  [ˈbeɡəm, ˈbi-] 

begum 基本解释

名词贵妇; 穆斯林贵妇

begum 网络解释

1. 伊斯兰教女王:beguine比根 | begum伊斯兰教女王 | begun开始

2. 贵夫人(印巴称呼):observation ward观察病房 | Begum 贵夫人(印巴称呼) | BO...波(对高级军官尊称)

3. 回教徒的女王:回教徒的MoslemMussulman | 回教徒的女王begum | 回教徒的一派sunnite

4. 夫人:begira;回历纪元;; | Begum;夫人;; | BEHANZIN, Senainon;塞奈农.贝汉津;;

begum 单语例句

1. " They should be punished, " Begum said after getting into a physical confrontation with Rubina's stepmother.

2. Begum turned her life around by buying goats and poultry with the borrowed money.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. Amina Begum had never seen a computer until a few years ago, but now she's on Skype regularly with her husband.

begum 英英释义



1. a Muslim woman of high rank in India or Pakistan