
behead [bɪˈhed]  [bɪˈhɛd] 







behead 基本解释


behead 相关例句


1. He was beheaded for high treason.

1. He was beheaded for high treason.

behead 网络解释

1. 斩首:博林遭嫌之后,亨利转而追求西摩. 一次亨利送她一袋金币并一情书,恳求西摩做他的情妇(mistress). 可是西摩退回礼物. 她只愿堂堂皇皇地做王后而不愿做情妇. 博林被斩首(behead)后仅11天,尸骨未寒,亨利就和西摩共享洞房之乐了.

2. 斩首, 砍头:arson纵火 | behead斩首, 砍头 | bayonet用刺刀刺

3. 砍头:revolt 反叛nv | behead 砍头v | align 支持观点 使一致

4. 砍头,斩首:15.wash one's hands v. 洗手, 解手 | 4.behead:砍头,斩首 | 5.hammer out:推敲出,苦心想出

behead 词典解释

1. 砍…的头;将…斩首
    If someone is beheaded, their head is cut off, usually because they have been found guilty of a crime.

    e.g. Charles I was beheaded by the Cromwellians.

behead 单语例句

1. behead的意思

1. One of the men then used a knife to behead the hostage and then hold his head aloft.

2. " There is no reason why we should not behead the others, " he said.

3. The banned sect warn that unless residents and traders pay protection fees, they will behead more people.

4. behead

4. Chang recounts the story of two Japanese officers who held a competition to see who could behead the most Chinese with their swords.

5. behead的近义词

5. Turkey vowed that it would not negotiate with Islamic militants in Iraq who are threatening to behead three Turkish hostages.

6. The militants threatened to behead the Turk unless his employers and their Kuwaiti contractor ended operations in Iraq.

7. behead的近义词

7. Marine and threatened to behead him, further heightening tension ahead of the June 30 formal handover of sovereignty.

8. Militants threatening to behead Angelo de la Cruz had set a July 20 deadline for Philippine troops to leave Iraq.

9. The Saudi operation came hours after the group carried out its threat to behead US hostage Paul Johnson on Friday.

10. The group vowed to behead Koda within 48 hours unless Japan withdrew its troops from Iraq.

behead 英英释义



1. cut the head of

    e.g. the French King was beheaded during the Revolution

    Synonym: decapitate decollate