
beholder [bɪˈhəʊldə(r)]  [bɪˈhoʊldə(r)] 


beholder 基本解释



beholder 相关例句



1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

beholder 网络解释


1. 观看者:在这终日见不着阳光的地底世界中,生活着穴居人(Troglodyte)一类的怪物,而且美杜莎女王(Medusas Queen)、观看者(Beholder)、巨兽(Behemonth)等也聚集在此.

2. 旁观者:剩下的两个符记之主的身份至今仍是未知,但可以肯定他们也是强大的不死生物,比如说费林魔葵(Phaerimm),旁观者(beholder)法师,或者夺心魔(alhoon). 在那些知道这个组织存在的人当中,深水城的哈拉斯特一直记得这个组织对他的袭击行动和盗走他有关传送门的知识的行为,

3. 眼魔:搞不好还有几个倒霉队友被吸得粉身碎骨、无法复活,只好Load,反正当年偶一走夜路就提心吊胆,一碰上吸血鬼就立即Load,躲进旅店睡一觉的说,要不人手一瓶隐形药水,一见吸血鬼就干杯的干活......NO.4:眼魔(Beholder)NO.3:夺心魔(

4. 目睹者:beholden表示感谢 | beholder目睹者 | behoof好处

beholder 词典解释

1. 个人观点;个人看法
    If you say that something such as beauty or art is in the eye of the beholder, you mean that it is a matter of personal opinion.

    e.g. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

2. 观看者;旁观者
    The beholder of something is the person who is looking at it.

    e.g. The caves cannot but inspire wonder in the beholder.

beholder 单语例句

1. A famous quote goes " Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder ".

2. It may be useful to be prepared in case risk may not just be in the eye of the beholder.

3. I've seen a lot of art and have come to the conclusion that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

4. At the Oscars what is fashionable formal wear is sometimes left to the eye of the beholder.

5. That's kind of a trick question, as fairness and unfairness are usually in the eye of the beholder.

6. beholder在线翻译

6. And people will know that beauty is multifaceted and ultimately in the eye of the beholder.

beholder 英英释义


1. a person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses

    Synonym: perceiver percipient observer