
belated [bɪˈleɪtɪd]  [bɪˈletɪd] 

belated 基本解释


形容词过时的; 来得很迟的; 来得很晚的; 陈旧的

belated 相关例句



1. He made a belated apology.

2. His policies are now quite belated.

3. The belated travellers lost their way in the forest.

belated 网络解释

1. 迟来的:belat强西北风 | belated迟来的 | belaud高度赞扬

2. 过了期的:belated claims 逾期索赔 | belated 过了期的 | Belay! 暂停!挽住!(带缆操作口令

3. 误期的, 迟来的:tawdry 俗丽的, 非常华丽的 | belated 误期的, 迟来的 | sate 使心满意足, 过分的给与

belated 词典解释

1. 迟来的;延误的;姗姗来迟的
    A belated action happens later than it should have done.

    e.g. ...the government's belated attempts to alleviate the plight of the poor.
    e.g. ...a belated birthday present.

The leaders realized belatedly that the coup would be disastrous for everyone.
belated 单语例句

1. belated的反义词

1. I don't want this to be a belated April Fool's Day column because this is about a serious matter.

2. belated的反义词

2. It marked a belated recognition of the absurdity of defending statistical results that obviously fly in the face of economic reality.

3. It is a belated visit by Singh who arrived in Beijing yesterday.

4. The belated takeoff of the market in China and its still limited size did not deter international brands from making an entre into the market.

5. For everyone who has been through the years of overall shortage, this is the moment to bid a belated farewell to a bygone era.

6. The latest award is only belated appreciation for what was long overdue, and clearly falls short of what is expected.

7. Such a belated tax cut would surely give a huge shot in arm to the stock market.

8. The belated move by the Ministry of Construction to clear confusion over its new housing development guidelines is welcome.

9. The belated announcement deserves celebration because it has removed a lingering threat to our right to know.

10. The tide of history is shifting towards a belated but crucial effort to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.

belated 英英释义


1. belated的近义词

1. after the expected or usual time

    e.g. a belated birthday card
           I'm late for the plane
           the train is late
           tardy children are sent to the principal
           always tardy in making dental appointments

    Synonym: late tardy