bell tower

bell tower [bel ˈtauə]  [bɛl ˈtaʊɚ] 

bell tower 基本解释

bell tower


bell tower 网络解释

1. 钟楼:天普大学颇负盛名的图书馆-Samuel Paley Library藏书一百六十万册以上,而馆前的贝尔鐘楼(Bell Tower)则是天普大学的精神象徵之一. 由总校区驱车往北十五分鐘车程可达健康中心(Health Science Center),此校区囊括了天普大学有关医药方面的学院,

2. 钟塔:可以参观的还有中塔(middle tower),拜弗德塔(Byward tower),钟塔(bell tower),卫塔(wakefield tower). 另外,从tower hill地铁站出来后可先上小平台远观伦敦塔,平台上日晷钟周围记载著伦敦历史的石刻. 哥德式外观的伦敦塔桥于1894年完工,

3. 古代钟楼:避暑胜地:summer resort | 古代钟楼:bell tower | 节气:solar terms (the twenty-four divisions of the solar year)

4. 钟塔, 钟楼:belittle 轻视; 贬 (动) | bell tower 钟塔; 钟楼 | belladonna 颠茄; 颠茄制剂; 莨菪 (名)

bell tower 单语例句

1. We met again and Li led me down an alleyway just alongside the Bell Tower.

2. This spot provides alluring views of the looming bell tower, the peaceful plaza and the patchwork of ancient rooftops below.

3. Beyond the archway lies a string of traditional Chinese temples and a bell tower.

4. A drum tower and a bell tower stand at the east and west sides of the entrance.

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5. The bell tower floor was lowered several inches to its original height, removing concrete and rocks added years ago.

6. At the top is a bell tower, with each of the seven bells representing a note and it can produce pleasant rhythms.

7. Fireworks are lit during loud celebrations moments after midnight in an old Beijing neighborhood near the ancient Bell Tower.

8. Then we will really need the Bell Tower to sound a warning of the end of the city.

9. Since 1949, the Bell Tower has been a platform for parades and celebrations.

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10. This is Northwest Film City and is some 500 meters to the east of the Bell Tower.

bell tower 英英释义


1. bell tower的意思

1. a tower that supports or shelters a bell