
bells [bels]  [bels] 






bells 基本解释
钟声;铃;铃声;钟( bell的名词复数 );
bells 网络解释

1. 铃铛:打击乐器通常包括手拎鼓(hand-helddrums)、响板(castanets)、铃铛(bells)、拨浪鼓(sistrum)--一种宗教礼拜时所使用的乐器,以及经常被用来作为伴奏乐器的铃舌(Handclapping).

2. 金铃:bel和黑方Black Label两种)皇家芝华士(Chivas Regal )白马(White Horse)金铃(Bells)等爱尔兰威士忌(Irish Whiskey)爱尔兰威士忌以大麦小麦燕麦黑麦为主要质料(其中大麦占80%)经发酵蒸馏(三次)后入桶陈酿而成陈酿期至少四年,

3. 贝尔:提供市内电话服务的贝尔(Bells)是世界通讯非常重要的合作夥伴,如果它不让世界通讯续租市内电话线,世界通讯很难有再生机会. 为了说服贝尔,破产法庭可能将贝尔列为世界通讯首要还款的对象之一,但贝尔态度一向强硬,往往要求租用户预付租金,

4. 铃:四年级的学生可以选择学小提琴(violin)、中提琴(viola)或者是大提琴(cello),而五年级的学生就有更多的选择,还可以选学长笛(flute)、黑管(clarinet)、萨克斯管(saxophone)、喇叭(trumpet)、伸缩喇叭(trombone)、打鼓(drums)和摇铃(bells)等.

bells 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. The only Christmas carol popular in China is Jingle Bells, and it is sung at any time except December.

2. But those are just bells and whistles for Stone and writers Allan Loeb and Stephen Schiff to sound off on Wall Street chicanery.

3. bells是什么意思

3. The most famous treasure is the Chime Bells, which is the largest bronze musical instrument ever discovered.

4. Swinging is a game where competitors try to reach the copper bells tied with a colored ribbon over the swing while swinging.

5. The new Polaroid kiosks don't offer bells and whistles, such as cropping and enlargements.

6. Mourners wore small silver bells to remember the dead and yellow ribbons as a symbol of their determination to rebuild communities razed in the infernos.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. They carried Serbian flags to a nearby church, where they rang the bells to sound their disapproval of Kosovo's statehood.

8. In itself a point from Stamford Bridge is no disgrace, but the alarm bells have begun to ring for the City manager.

9. bells的翻译

9. On the end of every eave is Eave Guard Buddha, while on the eave corner there are wind bells.

10. While the emperor enjoyed musical bells and chimed stones that lined on four sides, the dukes only had bells and stones on three sides.