
beshrew [bɪ'ʃru:]  [bɪ'ʃru:] 





beshrew 基本解释


beshrew 相关例句



1. Beshrew you!

2. Beshrew me!

beshrew 网络解释

1. 诅咒:besetment 困扰 | beshrew 诅咒 | beside oneself with joy 欣喜若狂

2. 诅咒(主要用于温和的诅咒), 该死:beshow || 裸盖鱼(产于北美洲西海岸的黑色食用鱼) | beshrew || 诅咒(主要用于温和的诅咒), 该死! | besiclometer || (眼)镜架宽度计

beshrew 双语例句

1. Beshrew me much, Emilia, I was, unhandsome warrior as I am, Arraigning his unkindness with my soul; But now I find I had suborn'd the witness, And he's indicted falsely.


2. Beshrew my very heart, I think you are happy in this second match, for it excels your first: Or if it did not, your first is dead; Or it were as good he were, as living here and you no use of him.


3. Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groanFor that deep wound it gives my friend and me!

4. Beshrew me, if I would do such a wrong For the whole world.


5. And from my soul too Or else beshrew them both.

6. Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan For that deep wound it gives my friend and me!

7. Beshrew my very heart, I think you are happy in this second match, for it excels your first: or if it did not, your first is dead; or'twere as good he were, as living here and you no use of him.

8. Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan For that deep wound it gives my friend and me; Is't not enough to torture me alone, But slave to slavery my sweet'st friend must be?

beshrew 英英释义


1. wish harm upon
    invoke evil upon

    e.g. The bad witch cursed the child

    Synonym: curse damn bedamn anathemize anathemise imprecate maledict