
besotted [bɪˈsɒtɪd]  [bɪˈsɑ:tɪd] 




besotted 基本解释


动词使烂醉,使迷糊,使沉醉( besot的过去式和过去分词 )

besotted 网络解释

1. 愚蠢的:besot 使烂醉 | besotted 愚蠢的 | besought 恳求

2. 愚蠢的, 糊涂的:besot || 使烂醉, 使迷糊, 使沉醉 | besotted || 愚蠢的, 糊涂的 | bespangle || 以小亮片装饰

3. 愚蠢的/糊涂的/醉的:besott /使糊涂/使醉/ | besotted /愚蠢的/糊涂的/醉的/ | besought /恳求/

4. 痴迷的,沉醉的:plight 困境,苦境 | besotted 痴迷的,沉醉的 | aesthetics 美学

besotted 双语例句


1. I was beginning to think you were so besotted with love, you'd forgotten about your old grandmother.

2. He is completely besotted with his new girlfriend.


3. He is besotted by her youth and beauty.


4. When you are besotted, I would not pay attention to you.

5. He is besotted by her beauty.

6. By means of a few drops of strong cordial, the doctor revived the besotted corpse for a few minutes

7. You will be besotted here, Beijing Alleygarden Hotel.

8. A man so besotted about the women and so utterly worn out could not possibly die so pluckily.

9. I have thought I was stumped by Statistics two, or besotted with Macroeconomics.

10. Her father was besotted with the new arrival.

11. He became so besotted with her that even his children were forgotten.

12. British soldier Horace Greasley was so besotted with his German sweetheart he would risk death by Nazi firing squad by sneaking out of his prisoner of war camp to see her.

13. By means of a few drops of strong cordial, the doctor revived the besotted corpse for a few minutes.

14. Anne Boleyn: All I know is that a man who didn't know who you were was with you in that room for a half-hour and came out completely besotted!

15. He was so completely besotted with her that he couldn't see how badly she treated him.

16. He's recent, she's totally besotted.

17. International investors are also increasingly besotted.

18. A besotted blind couple who married yesterday have told how they fell in love - when their guide dogs also became an item.


19. To work sillily get the besotted result only, it can't be controlled by your mind, you cannot get what you want.


20. He seems besotted, said danglars, pushing Caderousse with his knee.

besotted 词典解释

1. besotted

1. 沉迷的;痴迷的;神魂颠倒的
    If you are besotted with someone or something, you like them so much that you seem foolish or silly.

    e.g. He became so besotted with her that even his children were forgotten.

besotted 单语例句

1. Besotted relatives cooing over a newborn baby should not be looking out for her father's nose or mother's eyes.

besotted 英英释义
