






betroths 基本解释
将某人许配给,订婚( betroth的第三人称单数 );
betroths 双语例句

1. In needs to take off one's jewelry the spot with the movement dissolution cosmetics which and the dirt betroths children before they are born makees a circle.

2. King's daughter has been seized by a big dragon, king to lose the daughter to be day and night sad, issued a circular saying: Regardless of who has rescued his daughter, betroths the daughter for him takes the wife.

3. The year guarantees the jade to thank the hunter, betroths his youngest daughter for the hunter, two people after marriage give birth to three sons, calls to raise separately owes this, the Ash Qiang this, the Baima book, the upper, middle and lower three Guoluo tribe is their descendant.

4. Usage:After smudging the maintenance, with betroths children before they are born takes right amount in the forehead, two cheeks, the nose, lower jaw 5, then wipes evenly in the entire face, may strengthen specially in view of the slight defect place smudges.