
beverage [ˈbevərɪdʒ]  [ˈbɛvərɪdʒ, ˈbɛvrɪdʒ] 


beverage 基本解释



beverage 相关例句


1. Beverages are not allowed in the school bus.

beverage 网络解释

1. 饮料:前些天在路上看到一家很小的影院票价也是7欧元,以为这个豪华的影院应该价钱很高,当时一阵担心,呵呵,看来是多余的. 和国内一样,影院前有卖爆米花(pop corn)、饮料(beverage)的. 爆米花是咸的,味道不错,不像中国的奶油味.

2. 饮品:菜肴在法国人民生活中占有重要地位,法国人早餐习惯于清淡(insipidity),他们喜欢大陆式(continental break fast)包括面包(bread),黄油(butter),果酱(jam)和各种冷热饮品(beverage).

3. 饮料=>飲料:含酒精的饮料 饮料(BEVERAGE)指一切含酒精的饮料(ALCOHOLIC DRINK)和不含酒精的饮料(NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK)的统称 通常我们把含酒精的饮料称为酒(HARD DRINK)不含酒精的饮料称为软饮料(SOFT DRINK) (一)碳酸饮料(二)果蔬汁饮料(三)乳品饮料(四)水(五)嗜好饮料(一)碳酸饮料概念:碳酸饮料...運輸與指派問題 Transportation and

4. 酒水、饮料:Benedictine 法国产修士酒, | Beverage 酒水、饮料 | Bitter Lemon 苦柠檬水

beverage 词典解释

1. 饮料
    Beverages are drinks.

    e.g. Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.
    e.g. ...artificially sweetened beverages.

beverage 单语例句

1. Wine is making its way into a country dominated by hard liquor and beer, becoming a choice beverage for more drinkers.

2. Dawan cha is the preferred beverage of choice by the side of Jinan city's famous springs.

3. It plans to raise HK $ 2 billion in the first quarter in Hong Kong, hoping to improve its beverage output capacity.

4. Tennessee is the first state to make universal carding mandatory, says the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association.

5. Watching the fish swim about carelessly while partaking in a cold beverage was thoroughly relaxing.

6. beverage的近义词

6. The most popular of which is milk tea, which is treated as a top grade beverage in Inner Mongolia.

7. People sat there chatting or working on their laptops, a cup of coffee or other beverage on their table.

8. " Competition between two enterprises has made cola an internationally popular beverage, " he says.

9. Taiwan Unif recently invested $ 200 million to complete Phase III of a beverage plant.

10. As a growing number of Chinese develop a taste for the traditionally Western beverage, their knowledge of coffee is becoming more complex.

beverage 英英释义


1. any liquid suitable for drinking

    e.g. may I take your beverage order?

    Synonym: drink drinkable potable