
bidding [ˈbɪdɪŋ]  [ˈbɪdɪŋ] 



过去分词:bid; bidden


过去式:bade; bid

bidding 基本解释


名词投标; (尤指拍卖中的)出价; <非正>请求; 召唤

动词出价,投标( bid的现在分词 ); 恳求; 命令; 说(问候话)

bidding 相关例句


1. We joined the club at his bidding.

2. The bidding was very slow at first.

3. We gathered at his bidding.

bidding 网络解释


1. 投标:拍卖包括5个程序:资格审查(Qualification)、投标(Bidding)、拍卖结束(Auction)、圈价(Pricing)和股票分配(Allocation). 一旦IPO价格被确定,Google公司及股票承销商将开始分配股票. 所有的股票将以IPO价格卖出.

2. 出价:auction)也称为反向拍卖、出价(bidding)或招标(tendering)系统,有别于传统的正向. 的一卖方多买方形式,逆向拍卖指一种存有一位买方和许多潜在卖方的拍卖形式. 在逆向拍卖中,买方会提供商品以供出价,潜在卖方持续喊出更低的.

3. 竞价:所需要设定的最低出价要是要害词的竞价价格低于最低展现价格,要要害词将酿成搜刮失效而自动下线要害词最低展现价格由其质量度和商业价值共同决议 竞价(Bidding) 竞价指的是当推广信息上线后,

4. 投标,出价:Bidder 投标人,投标商 | Bidding 投标,出价 | bidding documents 标书

bidding 词典解释

1. bidding的近义词

1. 应…的要求;按…的吩咐
    If you do something at someone's bidding, you do it because they have asked you to do it.

    e.g. At his bidding, the delegates rose and sang the national anthem.

2. 对…唯命是从
    If you say that someone does another person's bidding, you disapprove of the fact that they do exactly what the other person asks them to do, even when they do not want to.

    e.g. She is very clever at getting men to do her bidding!

3. see also: bid

bidding 单语例句


1. The bidding was exciting and 28 technologies were sold, with the total business volume reaching 3 million Yuan.

2. An insider said Kang is accused of appropriating public money to buy stocks and interfering in the bidding results for nuclear power projects.

3. The bidding went back and forth between the two into Tuesday night and carried over into Wednesday.


4. According to bidding requirements the aircraft carrier can only leave Shenzhen after five years of continuous operation.

5. bidding的解释

5. The center will also develop and build an online bidding system, he added.

6. Once attention moved to Singapore, the bidding cities called on political and sporting heavyweights to champion their causes.

7. But auctioneers say chandelier bidding is necessary to keep the reserve secret and protect the seller.

8. Disney has snapped up the rights after a fierce bidding war for the book, which is not an obvious choice for a big screen adaptation.

9. bidding

9. Yesterday's press conference also revealed that public bidding to choose the operators for four metro lines in Beijing will open.

10. bidding是什么意思

10. Bidding will close on August 16 and the whole tendering work is expected to finish on September 15.

bidding 英英释义


1. (bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make

    Synonym: bid

2. an authoritative direction or instruction to do something

    Synonym: command bid dictation

3. a request to be present

    e.g. they came at his bidding

    Synonym: summons