




过去分词:bid; bidden

过去式:bade; bid

bids 基本解释
出价,投标( bid的第三人称单数 );恳求;命令;说;
bids 网络解释

1. 报价:Bidding unit 报价机组 | Bids 报价 | Bilateral contract 双边合同

2. 竞标额,出价:bidder 出价人 投标人 | bids 竞标额,出价 | biosphere 生命圈

3. 邮资:bidq 甲方 | bids 邮资 | bie 暖温带

4. bids:bid invitation and submission; 招标投标

5. bids:burroughs input and display terminal; 宝来公司的输入和显示终端

6. bids:broadband integrated distributed star; 宽带完整星状分布,宽带综合分布星形网

bids 单语例句

1. The sweetly skewed take on life and relationships today earned a best comedy nod and an impressive six acting bids.

2. Up to 13 developers made bids on the closed tender held by the government, according to local financial website ET Net.

3. The government is seeking bids from companies to develop the projects in six provinces, which will have a combined capacity of 280 megawatts.

4. Cerberus Capital Management LLC and a consortium of investors led by Blackstone Group each have reviewed Chrysler's finances and are expected to make bids.

5. Consumers Institute chief executive David Russell said while some bids could be posted illegitimately, any money owed from a winning bid could be legally pursued.

6. Bids for all or part of Chrysler's assets must be submitted by May 20, and a determination of the lead bid made by May 26.

7. The government will invite bids and use competitive negotiations in its collective purchasing of equipment, to be undertaken by the Ministry's International Communication and Cooperation Center.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. But within minutes of Jackson's death Thursday, eBay bids started coming in.

9. A large number of climbing teams are planning to make summit bids on Saturday.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. Funds drawn from banks and those funnelled into work bids will be given priority to prevent embezzlement and corruption.