
bilious [ˈbɪliəs]  [ˈbɪljəs] 

bilious 基本解释

形容词胆汁的; 胆汁(过多而致)病的; 脾气坏的

bilious 网络解释


1. 胆汁的:biligenesis 胆汁生成 | bilious 胆汁的 | bilious temperament 胆汁质

2. 胆汁质的:bilinguist 通双语言者 | bilious 胆汁质的 | biliteral 两字母组成

3. 暴躁的:bilingualism 双重语言 | bilious 暴躁的 | bilious 胆汁的

4. 胆汁的,胆汁过多的:bilineurine 胆碱 | bilious 胆汁的,胆汁过多的 | bilipurpurin 胆紫素

bilious 词典解释

1. 令人不快的;让人恶心的
    If someone describes the appearance of something as bilious, they mean that they think it looks unpleasant and rather disgusting.

    e.g. ...a bilious shade of green.

2. 感觉不舒服的;恶心头痛的
    If you feel bilious, you feel sick and have a headache.

    e.g. She is suffering a bilious attack.

3. 暴躁的;狂怒的;脾气坏的
    Bilious is sometimes used to describe the feelings or behaviour of someone who is extremely angry or bad-tempered.

    e.g. His speech was a bilious, rancorous attack on young people.

bilious 英英释义



1. bilious在线翻译

1. irritable as if suffering from indigestion

    Synonym: atrabilious dyspeptic liverish

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2. suffering from or suggesting a liver disorder or gastric distress

    Synonym: liverish livery

3. relating to or containing bile

    Synonym: biliary