
bin [bɪn]  [bɪn] 







bin 基本解释


名词箱子,容器; 二进制; 垃圾箱; (地下室)葡萄酒贮藏库

及物动词把…装进贮藏库; 把…放入箱中

bin 相关例句


1. The baker emptied several bags of flour into a bin.

bin 网络解释

1. 二进制文件:想把ADS下面编译通过的BIN文件通过MDK下载到开发板里面去,结果下不进去,经过咨询才知道原来是因为MDK暂时不支持直接烧写二进制格式的可执行文件(bin文件),对于二进制文件的写入方式是先将二进制文件(bin)转换为十六进制文件

2. 文件夹:主要我还是觉得地图很重要,我把GF的地图改了.观察到的范围很广.多说没必要.我现在就告诉大家怎么改地图.当我们打开天龙八部的文件包时 里面有个文件夹(Bin) 双击大开 里面有个System.同样我们在双击以记事本的方式打开后

3. 垃圾箱:先离开地下室,到外面将垃圾箱(Bin)顶在头上,返回地下室,骗走机器人. 拉下红色的控制杆,中间的门便开了,用撬棍撬开右下角的抽屉(Drawer),取出圆规(Compass) 、地图(Map)和微型胶卷(Micro Film)后离开,回到大楼里. 江森来到图书馆里,

4. 箱子:以及关于这些片断的组织方式的信息. 它也包括了该视频节目中应用到的所有过渡和效果的详细信息. 在项目中,可以增加或删除片断,将片断组织进一个一个的箱子(Bin)中,以及将充当占位符的低分辨率的片断替换成最终的高分辨率片断.

5. bin:bank identification number; 银行识别号码

6. bin:bell information network; 贝尔信息网

7. bin:binary; 二进制

8. bin:buy it now; 一口价

bin 词典解释

1. 垃圾桶;垃圾箱
    A bin is a container that you put rubbish in.

    e.g. He screwed the paper small and chucked it in the bin.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 garbage can, trash can

2. 箱子;储物箱;储藏箱
    A bin is a container that you keep or store things in.

    e.g. ...a bread bin.
    e.g. ...big steel storage bins.

3. 扔掉
    If you bin something, you throw it away.

    e.g. He decided to bin his paintings.

bin 单语例句


1. The question of how to present bin Laden's death to the world is a difficult balancing act for the White House.

2. Cafeteria manager Lynne Bryant said her staff had been cleaning tables when they noticed a strange humming noise coming from the rubbish bin.

3. Yu's assistance helped Chen Zhonghe lead the team to a bronze medal finish in Beijing before he worked with the next head coach Cai Bin.

4. bin

4. Club president Du even tried to fire captain Du Bin and the three players who attempted own goals to avoid being investigated by the CFA.

5. Zhang took charge in a caretaker capacity after Mohamed bin Hammam's ousting over bribery claims in June.

6. bin的反义词

6. If a dummy was indeed used for Hu Bin, it would make the case one of the most notorious judicial scandals in China's history.

7. Bin Laden's death is definitely a heavy psychological blow to them, but it has not caused them any actual damage.

8. bin是什么意思

8. A Duane Reade cashier I asked did not know where the bin was.

9. But Musharraf categorically denied that anyone in his country's security service is helping bin Laden in particular or al Qaeda in general.

10. bin

10. Democrat John Kerry made the failure to track down bin Laden a central part of his criticism of Bush in Thursday's first presidential debate.

bin 英英释义



1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. a container
    usually has a lid

2. the quantity contained in a bin

    Synonym: binful


1. bin什么意思

1. store in bins