binary star

binary star [ˈbaɪnəri: stɑ:]  [ˈbaɪnəri stɑr] 

binary star 基本解释
binary star 网络解释

1. 双子星:1.老年pulsar通常以双子星(binary star)的型态出现,一个星星dumps material到另外一个中子星,造成这个星星再次爆炸,再次变成pulsar (这里有考点,请注意) 第2个第3个理由我忘了 呜呜,我刚考完的时候还记的很清楚

2. 双星:天上的星星因物理关系而彼此聚集在一起自成1个系统,我们称之为聚星或多重星(multiple star),两颗组成的叫双星(binary star),3颗或4颗在一起的叫三合星(triple star)或四合星(quadruplestar),由10颗以上的恒星,各成员间因引力束缚而聚在一起的恒星群,

binary star 单语例句

1. Before their discovery, binary star systems were found only with one planet.

2. They found the binary star system by detecting a system where the stars eclipsed each other from the perspective of the Kepler spacecraft.

binary star 英英释义


1. a system of two stars that revolve around each other under their mutual gravitation

    Synonym: binary double star