bind up

bind up [baind ʌp]  [baɪnd ʌp] 

bind up 基本解释
bind up 网络解释

bind up的翻译

1. 包扎:bind up in 专心致力于 | bind up 包扎 | bind

2. 包扎 装订成册:bindsb. to do sth. [律]责令某人履行某种义务 | bind to 订约; 约定 | bind up 包扎 装订成册

3. 装订:pin up 钉住 | bind up 装订 | bar up 关住

4. 包扎, 装订:bind up in || 专心致力于 | bind up || 包扎, 装订 | bind || 绑, 镶边, 装订, 凝固, 约束

bind up 单语例句

1. bind up什么意思

1. Today the US government is up to its nose in debt, which will put Obama's domestic and foreign policies in a suffocating bind.