
binturong [ˈbintjurɔŋ]  [bɪnˈtʊrɔŋ, -ɑŋ] 

binturong 基本解释
binturong 网络解释


1. 熊狸:不过游览却还没有结束,游园电车返回起点,车站旁边的小道通向另外2条步行小道:Fishing Cat Trail和Forest Giants Trail,路线都不长,边走边不经意间就能看到其他一些动物,诸如水獭(Otter)、熊狸(Binturong)、长吻鳄(IndianGharial)等等,

2. 灵猫科:Ursidae spp. 熊科所有種 | Viverridae 靈貓科 Binturong, civets, linsangs, otter-civet, palm civets | Cynogale bennettii 獺狸貓

3. 台湾黑熊 I Viverridae 灵猫科:亚洲黑熊 I Ursus thibetanus formosanus | 台湾黑熊 I Viverridae 灵猫科 Binturong, civets, linsangs, otter-civet, palm civets | 獭狸猫 II Hemigalus derbyanus

binturong 双语例句

1. A civet (Arctictis binturong) of southeast Asia with a long, prehensile tail. The hat is made of beaver.


2. A Binturong not only looks like a rug, it also acts like one!

3. The picture shows a wild binturong or bearcat tied up and kept at a pagoda in Kandal Province, Vietnam.

4. Meanwhile, Large Indian civet, small Indian civet clustered together, Masked palm civet, Binturong clustered together and they constituted monophyletic group respectively.

binturong 英英释义


1. arboreal civet of Asia having a long prehensile tail and shaggy black hair

    Synonym: bearcat Arctictis bintourong