bird sanctuary

bird sanctuary [bə:d ˈsæŋktʃu:ˌeri:]  [bɚd ˈsæŋktʃuˌɛri] 

bird sanctuary 基本解释
bird sanctuary 网络解释

bird sanctuary是什么意思

1. 鸟类保护区:鸟类保护区(Bird Sanctuary)位于潘塔纳斯帕尼之点的鸟类保护区,有36种鸟类生活在这里. 在罗塔打猎日也严禁在此打猎. 每到早晨便会看到各种鸟类成群结队的出去寻食,在夕阳西下时还可以看到成群结队的鸟在美丽的夕阳中,百鸟归巢的壮观景象.

2. 鸟类保:birazon 海风 | birch 桦木 | bird sanctuary 鸟类保

3. 鳥類保護區(禁獵區):25、自然纪念地 Natural Monument | 4、鸟类保护区(禁猎区) Bird Sanctuary | 26、自然保育区 Nature Conservation Reserve

4. 鸟类保?区:birch 桦木 | bird sanctuary 鸟类保?区 | bird's nest 桅杆瞭望台

bird sanctuary 单语例句

1. bird sanctuary

1. Look for birds at the Dongtan Bird Sanctuary, hike past a Confucious Temple and enjoy a picnic by the lake.

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2. The Qinghai provincial government has earmarked more than 2 million yuan to expand tourist facilities near the famous bird sanctuary in Qinghai Lake.

3. We visited the park's bird and monkey sanctuary, carrying both on our shoulders and feeding them with the help of their trainers.

bird sanctuary 英英释义

bird sanctuary


1. a building where birds are kept

    Synonym: aviary volary