
birthplace [ˈbɜ:θpleɪs]  [ˈbɜ:rθpleɪs]


birthplace 基本解释


birthplace 相关例句


1. Philadelphia is the birthplace of the United States.

birthplace 网络解释


1. 出生地:对乔利来说是一大警醒---她从此理解了她那贵为影帝的父亲约翰.沃特,父女俩相互扶持,乔利开始敲好莱坞的门南拳妈妈_歌_图片_专辑 小档案: 出生地(Birthplace):美国洛杉矶(LosAngeles,

2. 发源地:(不是我崇洋媚外,我们电子技术行业的发源地(Birthplace)的确是在美国;而且美国普通电子工程师的一般待遇是在5-10万美金一年,处于各行业中上等,当然是老美的技术工程师相当的专业,专注;我领教过.

3. 籍贯:将区域D2:D88中的内容以(dd-mm-yy)日期格式显示;(4) 筛选出所有79年出生的女职工记录的姓名(NAME)、性别(SEX),出生日期(BIRTHDAY)、籍贯(BIRTHPLACE)四个字段的信息,并将筛选结果复制到首单元为A92的区域中;

4. 出生地点:city 市 | birthplace 出生地点 | county 县

birthplace 词典解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 籍贯;出生地
    Your birthplace is the place where you were born.

2. birthplace的近义词

2. 发源地;发祥地
    The birthplace of something is the place where it began.

    e.g. ...Athens, the birthplace of the ancient Olympics.

birthplace 单语例句

1. According to legend, the Latvian capital is the birthplace of the Christmas tree decorating tradition.

2. Germany is the birthplace of a great many philosophers, scientists and composers.


3. The region is also famous for its abundant history and culture, and as the birthplace of the Italian language.

4. Nixon Library and Birthplace from private interests to the federal government on Wednesday.

5. Shandong is also known as the birthplace of China's pottery, porcelain and silk.

6. birthplace是什么意思

6. A spectacular opening ceremony launched the Athens Olympics on Friday, lifting spirits in the Games'ancient birthplace.

7. It exhibits the historical style and features of the birthplace of Tianjin City and industrial history and water transportation culture.

8. birthplace的意思

8. Jiangsu is the birthplace of Wu and Yue Dynasties as well as Yangtze River culture.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. He was offered the job in China when he and his family were on a tour of his birthplace.

10. birthplace什么意思

10. Jiangxi province in East China is known as a sacred birthplace of revolution in China.

birthplace 英英释义



1. the place where someone was born

    Synonym: place of birth

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence

    e.g. the birthplace of civilization

    Synonym: cradle place of origin provenance provenience