
biscuit [ˈbɪskɪt]  [ˈbɪskɪt] 


biscuit 基本解释

名词<英>饼干; <美>软烤饼; 松饼(食用时常佐以肉汁); 淡黄褐色

biscuit 网络解释

1. 比司吉:后来看<<巧手做面包>>才知道,司康的泡打粉用量实在太多,常带有苦味和咸味,对我们亚洲人来说不容易接受. 为了改善此缺点,这款改良式比司吉(biscuit)以酵母代替大部分发酵粉,做出来的比司吉口味更佳,而且数量更多体积也更大.

2. 是英式英语,cookie是美式英语:饼干:biscuit--cookie | biscuit是英式英语,cookie是美式英语. | 无论哪里:anywhere--anyplace

3. 淡褐色:berry 鲜红色,浆果红 | biscuit 淡褐色 | bisque 桔黄色

biscuit 词典解释

1. biscuit的翻译

1. 饼干
    A biscuit is a small flat cake that is crisp and usually sweet.

in AM, use 美国英语用 cookie

2. 烤饼;小圆面包
    A biscuit is a small round dry cake that is made with baking powder, baking soda, or yeast.

3. (强调吃惊)竟然做出这种(愚蠢、粗野或自私的)事情
    If someone has done something very stupid, rude, or selfish, you can say that they take the biscuit or that what they have done takes the biscuit, to emphasize your surprise at their behaviour.

in AM, use 美国英语用 take the cake
biscuit 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Old wooden bird cages hang from the ceiling and Samson's favorite retro biscuit tins adorn one wall.

2. It would be a tragedy if you got all the way to Sunday afternoon only to succumb to that chocolate biscuit hiding in the cupboard.

3. Other bombs were hidden in a Malaysian biscuit can, gift boxes and ordinary bags.

4. The foods demonstrate culinary savvy and could have been given nine points out of 10 if the final dessert didn't come with an Orio biscuit.

5. Give your furry pal an organic dog wash and treat him or her to an organic doggie biscuit.

6. Break it to discover an irresistible surprise made from chocolate and molten strawberries, pink champagne and coconut biscuit.

7. Kraft has been considering to move its headquarters to Shanghai after it bought the biscuit and snacks division of Danone in November.

8. Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara is no stranger to running off at the mouth, but this time his remarks about three islands that belong to China take the biscuit.

9. In this role he has been showing off a new product developed with the company, a biscuit called sweetheart.

10. biscuit

10. When the marshmallows are nicely toasted, split open a chocolate biscuit and sandwich the marshmallow.

biscuit 英英释义


1. any of various small flat sweet cakes (`biscuit' is the British term)

    Synonym: cookie cooky

2. small round bread leavened with baking-powder or soda