bit brace

bit brace [bit breis]  [bɪt bres] 

bit brace 基本解释



bit brace 网络解释

1. 手摇钻:bit 位 | bit brace 手摇钻 | bitumen 地沥青

2. 曲柄钻头:bit arbor 钻套 | bit brace 曲柄钻头 | bit buffer unit 比特缓冲器

3. 摇钻柄:bit arbor 钻套 | bit brace 摇钻柄 | bit error probability 误比特概率

bit brace 双语例句

1. It was only because she bore such a striking resemblance to Mrs. Smith, the original owner of the bank, that she was able to be as blunt as she wanted to be without having to brace herself one bit.

bit brace

2. A drill consisting of a bit and a brace to hold and turn it.

3. A brace and bit is a tool used for making holes.

4. A handle used to secure and turn a drilling or boring bit; a brace.

5. An awl with a beveled tip, used to make holes in wood for brads or screws. a drill consisting of a bit and a brace to hold and turn it.

6. Right now I am walking with a brace and crutches, but at least I am able to get around a little bit.

7. And at the age of eight she was walking a bit with the aid of a leg brace.

8. I can walk around a little bit right now and my leg brace finally will come off this week, which will be nice.