
bitch [bɪtʃ]  [bɪtʃ] 







bitch 基本解释

名词母狗; 淫妇; 牢骚事; 坏女人

不及物动词埋怨; 发牢骚; 挖苦; (背后)说坏话

及物动词把…搞糟; 弄坏; 抱怨; 埋怨

bitch 反义词


bitch 相关例句


1. He bitched the job completely.


1. He bitched about the service, then bitched about the bill.

2. Don't bitch about the heat.

3. Stop bitching and get back to work.


1. We'll have a bitch of a time.

2. That bitch is always quarreling.

bitch 网络解释


1. 贱人:你可以在男人面前装公主、装萝莉、甚至装妈妈,只要你男人好这一口;但在公司,你只能是贱人(bitch)或者贱货(whore). 不可否认男人和公司都有成长性,但不同的是,你是你男人的唯一股东. 一拨一拨换男人,造就的是一个社交名媛;

bitch 词典解释

1. bitch什么意思

1. 婊子;狗婆娘;泼妇
    If someone calls a woman a bitch, they are saying in a very rude way that they think she behaves in a very unpleasant way.

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2. 困境;一团糟;棘手的情况
    If you describe a situation as a bitch, you mean that it is very unpleasant or difficult to deal with.


3. 抱怨;发牢骚
    If you say that someone is bitching about something, you mean that you disapprove of the fact that they are complaining about it in an unpleasant way.

    e.g. They're forever bitching about everybody else.

4. 母狗
    A bitch is a female dog.

bitch 单语例句

1. The bitch even knows when to keep still until every tourist has had his turn, amusing all around it.

2. The pet bitch started delivering in the backyard of her owner's house at 7 pm, with the last puppy being born five hours later.

3. As much as you bitch about your job there is some security knowing it is there.


4. The pregnant bitch arrived on the estate two weeks ago and residents made a kennel for it out of wood and cardboard boxes.

5. Factory workers in Guangzhou's Panyu district are looking for dog lovers to adopt 13 puppies born of a homeless bitch at their workplace.

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6. The little stall became a hotspot for bored spouses to bitch about the local lack of ingredients for blancmange.

7. The owner of the dog and cats said the kittens'mother got lost the same day as the bitch lost her puppies.

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8. The bitch is so fond of attention it poses for photos whenever visitors whip out their cameras.

9. After a few long'bitch sessions, 'we began to see good aspects of living in Beijing.

bitch 英英释义


1. female of any member of the dog family

2. informal terms for objecting

    e.g. I have a gripe about the service here

    Synonym: gripe kick beef squawk

3. a person (usually but not necessarily a woman) who is thoroughly disliked

    e.g. she said her son thought Hillary was a bitch

    Synonym: cunt

4. an unpleasant difficulty

    e.g. this problem is a real bitch


1. say mean things

    Synonym: backbite

2. complain

    e.g. What was he hollering about?

    Synonym: gripe grouse crab beef squawk bellyache holler