black bear

black bear [blæk bɛə]  [blæk bɛr] 

black bear 基本解释
black bear 网络解释

1. 黑熊:(啊,忘了这一段,赶紧加上,不然会死人的: 黑熊 (black bear) 是可以吓退的,而灰熊 (grizzly bear) 是不能被吓退的. 在野外遇到黑熊,一是要显得比它强大,可以把背包举过头顶,并发出吼声,让它知道赚不了便宜;而灰熊的攻击性则较强,

2. 美洲黑熊:寻血猎犬 bloodhound | 美洲黑熊 black bear | 美洲野牛 bison

3. (北美,亚洲)黑熊:black batch || 炭黑共沉胶 | black bear || (北美,亚洲)黑熊 | black beer || 黑啤酒

black bear 单语例句

1. In 1979, his father was attacked by a black bear when he was guarding the village cornfield.

2. Once he hurried to a spot at 5 am only to find that the animal tracks were those of a black bear.

3. Police said he was attacked and killed by a black bear while he took his sheep to graze in the mountain near his village.

4. When he came closer to the cabin, he found a black bear looking for food there.

5. black bear的近义词

5. Authorities believe at least 43 black bears were slaughtered for the bear paws.

6. Duan Yongsheng was found dead and police confirmed that he was killed by a black bear that lives in the mountain.

7. Liu's works bear a striking resemblance to old black and while films.

8. At Bear Hill, you can find black bears and white bears.

9. One of the bear houses was damaged, and 11 black bears tried to flee.

10. As parts of its efforts to end bear farming in China, the foundation has rescued 277 black bears from farms in the past 10 years.

black bear 英英释义


1. brown to black North American bear
    smaller and less ferocious than the brown bear

    Synonym: American black bear Ursus americanus Euarctos americanus

2. bear with a black coat living in central and eastern Asia

    Synonym: Asiatic black bear Ursus thibetanus Selenarctos thibetanus