black holes

black holes

black holes 单语例句

1. Black holes are formed when massive stars collapse from their own gravity, the pull of which was thought so strong that nothing can escape.

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2. The finding supports some implications of Einstein's relativity theory that black holes of all sizes have similar properties.

3. black holes的翻译

3. Sun urged Chinese scientists to increase their understanding of star and universe evolution through the observation and study of the sun and black holes.

4. Understanding the nature of black holes and their host galaxies is important because astronomers would like to better know how galaxies form and evolve.

5. black holes的意思

5. Quasars are thought to be powered by gas falling into giant black holes boasting millions or billions of solar masses.

6. Hawking responded that the gravitational pull of black holes was so strong, it unravelled the laws of quantum physics.

7. black holes

7. Business lounges are " financial black holes with mood lighting ", he said.

8. Therefore, these mines always escape from inspection and become black holes devouring miner's lives.

9. Online video websites are undoubtedly the biggest " black holes ", crying for huge amounts of investment.

10. Even though researchers suggested black holes up to this mass might exist in quasars, this is the first direct confirmation of such a behemoth.