1. 巫术:无论是黑道巫术 (Black Magic) 或白道巫术 (White Magic) 都是用邪灵的力量来施法. 黑道巫术乃为求个人经济上的利益,或复仇、夺权、夺爱或被人雇用而施术加害于人. 白道巫术则用以治病、收惊、保护、御防、寻求水源、求雨、谋求个人或别人之好处而施术.
2. 黑魔法:一年苗3元 二年苗 8元611 黑魔法(Black Magic) 美国育成,极黑红色,花瓣厚重,具腊质感有亮光,多数为玫瑰型重瓣,偶然出现不规则的半重瓣,大到巨型花,象黑红绸缎一样华丽光亮,堪称茶花中的黑宝石,是目前世界上花色最黑的茶花品种之一.
1. The local group claimed that a criminal had used black magic to transform himself into a goat in order to escape the scene.
2. Alves reportedly said he visited the home where the boy was living and found unspecified items that could be used for black magic.
3. A tree branch or stick can be your magic wand after wrapping it with black ape.
1. the belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world
Synonym: sorcery black art necromancy