
blah [blɑ:]  [blɑ]








blah 基本解释

名词废话; 胡扯; 空谈; 浮夸的文章

形容词无聊的; 枯燥的


blah 网络解释

1. 废话:bladder training 排尿训练 | blah 废话 | blame 责备

2. 啥啥啥的:cyrus says that he misses you and loves you.|Cyrus说他很想你 爱你 | blah,blah,blah,blah,blah.|啥啥啥的 | sorry. i had to run out before store closes.|对不起 我要在商店关门前赶上

3. 咳!表示不喜欢,不赞成:Blech! 吃到或 看到一些另人反感的东西时的反应. | Blah! 咳!表示不喜欢,不赞成. | Boom! 碰!形容巨响.

blah 词典解释

1. (表示无趣或不重要)…啊之类的;等等;诸如此类的
    You use blah, blah, blah to refer to something that is said or written without giving the actual words, because you think that they are boring or unimportant.

    e.g. ...the different challenges of their career, their need to change, to evolve, blah blah blah.

blah 单语例句

1. Blah took office on Monday after the resignation of pariah leader Charles Taylor, now in exile.

2. Others are more like Western sucks and blah blah blah, but usually everybody thinks of western world in all different ways.

3. An interim government meant to shepherd Liberia to elections in 2005 is due to take over from caretaker President Moses Blah in October.

4. Blah stepped in as a caretaker after pariah leader Charles Taylor flew into exile in Nigeria last week.

5. Liberia has been given hope since the departure of Taylor, who handed over to his former deputy Moses Blah as caretaker president.

6. Blah told CNN on Monday that Taylor will hold no sway over his government while in exile.

blah 英英释义



1. pompous or pretentious talk or writing

    Synonym: bombast fustian rant claptrap