
blazing [ˈbleɪzɪŋ] [ˈbleiziŋ] 








blazing 基本解释


形容词炽热的; 酷热的; 极其愤怒的; 感情强烈的

动词猛烈地燃烧( blaze的现在分词 ); 发光,照耀

blazing 网络解释

1. 燃烧的:blazing fire 烈火 | blazing 燃烧的 | bleacher 露天看台

2. 炽烧的:blazing star 鲜艳的植物 | blazing 炽烧的 | blazon forth 宣布

3. 燃发:blazer 传播者 | blazing 燃发 | BLC 附面层控制

4. 钎焊:wet fluorescent magnetic particle examination 湿法荧光探伤 | blazing 钎焊 | induction blazing 感应钎焊

blazing 词典解释

1. 炽热的;炎热的
    Blazing sun or blazing hot weather is very hot.

    e.g. Quite a few people were eating outside in the blazing sun.
    e.g. ...freezing cold winters and blazing hot summers.

2. blazing是什么意思

2. (争吵)激烈的
    When people have a blazing row, they quarrel in a very noisy and excited way.

    e.g. My husband has just had a blazing row with his boss.

blazing 单语例句

1. Yang and her colleagues are worried about disease in the devastated area, which is hit alternately by blazing heat and rain.

2. Yang and her colleagues are extremely worried about disease in the area, which is hit alternately by blazing heat and rain.

3. Ding is also believed to be blazing a trail in industrial readjustment.

4. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the moon slides across the sun, blocking all but a blazing halo of light.

5. Gough said he was blazing a trail against antiquated British indecency laws and establishment attitudes.

6. Chengdu is not blazing a trail but what it does has obvious benefits.

7. Expo's opening in Shanghai saw us shuffling around the pavilions, exploring the best way to avoid standing in lines in the blazing sun.

8. Secondly, both sides must keep abreast of the times and keep blazing new trails.

9. blazing什么意思

9. His body was recovered two hours after he entered the blazing building.

10. blazing在线翻译

10. A famed auteur has announced plans to dip his toes into the film industry infrastructure and should be applauded for blazing the trail.

blazing 英英释义



1. a strong flame that burns brightly

    e.g. the blaze spread rapidly

    Synonym: blaze


1. shining intensely

    e.g. the blazing sun
           blinding headlights
           dazzling snow
           fulgent patterns of sunlight
           the glaring sun

    Synonym: blinding dazzling fulgent glaring glary

2. blazing

2. without any attempt at concealment
    completely obvious

    e.g. blatant disregard of the law
           a blatant appeal to vanity
           a blazing indiscretion

    Synonym: blatant conspicuous