blend in

blend in [blend in]  [blɛnd ɪn] 

blend in 基本解释
blend in 网络解释

1. 调和:blench 畏缩 | blend in 调和 | blend with 混和

2. 融洽,十分协调:by all accounts=from all accounts 人人都说 | blend in 融洽,十分协调 | throw one's weight around 盛气凌人

3. 掩人耳目:resignation 辞呈 | blend in 掩人耳目 | pretty convincing 相当有说服力

4. 调和, 掺入:blend flavouring || (由天然及合成化合物混合而成的)混和调味料 | blend in || 调和, 掺入 | blend ore || 掺合矿

blend in 单语例句

1. Put chicken dice in a bowl with some salt, starch and egg white and blend evenly.

2. blend in

2. Being noticed can provide an ego boost, but never being able to blend in can also be unsettling.

3. Hausmann refers to Siemens'growth model in China as a blend of organic and inorganic.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. I'm always tossing watermelon with fresh mint, so I decided to see how the two would blend in a smoothie.

5. blend in的意思

5. The second group was given the oil blend and told to use about an ounce each day in their meals.

6. blend in在线翻译

6. Wendel was briefly detained by police after climbing into the pit and attempting to blend in with the ancient warriors of the terracotta army.

7. Sangiovese is also the principal grape in celebrated " Super Tuscan " - a blend of Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvignon.

8. The natural scenery and human landscape in the village perfectly blend to attract tourists and history buffs.

9. blend in什么意思

9. At Lufthansa we have the right blend of services to continue to grow further and faster in China's airline business than our competitors.


10. All of them work in great harmony and this time we blend them with something Chinese.

blend in 英英释义



1. cause (something) to be mixed with (something else)

    e.g. At this stage of making the cake, blend in the nuts

    Synonym: mix in

2. blend or harmonize

    e.g. This flavor will blend with those in your dish
           This sofa won't go with the chairs

    Synonym: blend go