
blending ['blendɪŋ]  ['blendɪŋ] 







blending 基本解释


动词(使)混合( blend的现在分词 ); (使)混杂; (使)调和; 协调

blending 网络解释


1. 调配:曲线曲面的等距计算(offsetting)是CAD/CAM 系统中的一个重要几何运算,在数控加工、道路设计、汽车i,n(t)为调配(blending)基函数.如果我们把 偏移一定距离得到新顶点 ,则 NURBS 曲线

2. 混合:alpha混合(blending)alpha混合是像素流水线的最后一个步骤. 执行alpha混合就是组合2个颜色:源颜色(source color)和目的颜色(destination color). 源颜色是准备绘制到帧缓冲器中的像素,目的颜色是已存在于帧缓冲器中的像素.

3. 混色:我们确实增加了惊人的图形图像库和alpha混色(blending)以及所有类型的东西,这些以前我们从未处理过alpha混色此类东西. 我曾经从事过图形图像的工作,但已经过了好多年了. 而利用相应名字空间中的system.drawing语句,

4. 掺合:难燃性环氧树脂基板材料可将难燃添加剂以物理掺合(blending)方式,或是将难燃性环氧化合物(epoxide)或难燃性硬化剂(curing agent) 利用化学反应方式导入环氧树脂材料结构体中制得.

blending 单语例句

1. An ethanol blending ratio of 10 percent is common in the United States, the second largest producer and consumer of ethanol.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. Stewart and Fanning handle the vocals admirably, their live performances blending seamlessly with actual Runaways recordings on the soundtrack.

3. More often than not, a slim wooden cylinder is used for the blending.

4. We started from the very first task - blending the flour with water, butter and sugar.

5. The traditional North Indian beverage is made by blending yogurt with spices until frothy.

6. blending

6. Il Divo has made its reputation by blending pop and opera, two very different styles.

7. There seems to be an assumption today that the blending of Eastern and Western musical traditions is intrinsically interesting.

8. blending的翻译

8. The new plant is Shell's first lubricant blending facility in South China.

9. He is famous for creating a new style of Chinese painting by blending old traditions with modern Western techniques.

10. The new facility will have up to 2 million metric tons of oil products storage capacity and blending facilities.

blending 英英释义



1. the act of blending components together thoroughly

    Synonym: blend

2. a gradation involving small or imperceptible differences between grades

    Synonym: shading