blood platelet

blood platelet [blʌd ˈpleitlit]  [blʌd ˈpletlɪt] 

blood platelet 基本解释
blood platelet 网络解释

1. 血小板:血小板(blood platelet)是哺乳动物血液中的有形成分之一. 形状不规则,比红细胞和白细胞小得多,无细胞核,有质膜,一般呈圆形,体积小于红细胞和白细胞. 导管(vessel)植物体内木质部中主要输导水分和无机盐的管状结构. 为一串高度特化的管状死细胞所组成,

blood platelet 单语例句

1. Platelet activation is thought to be an important risk factor in blood clotting.

2. They took blood samples from both groups two and six hours after they ate the chocolate and bread to measure their platelet activation.

3. blood platelet的翻译

3. The disease reduces white blood cell and platelet counts, which can lead to organ failure and death.

4. HGA reduces white blood cell and platelet counts in the blood, leading to organ failure and death.

5. blood platelet的近义词

5. Their white blood cell and platelet counts were much lower than normal.

6. blood platelet的反义词

6. Initial blood tests performed while Arafat was still in Ramallah in the West Bank revealed a low blood platelet count.

7. HGA reduces white blood cells and platelet counts in the blood, leading to organ failure and death.

8. blood platelet的意思

8. The only problem that has been announced is a low blood platelet count.

9. blood platelet

9. Ailing Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is suffering from a low blood platelet count and will be flown to Paris on Friday for medical treatment.

10. Xiao Jian went to the hospital in August 2002 for treatment and received a blood transfusion due to his low blood platelet count.

blood platelet 英英释义

blood platelet在线翻译


1. tiny bits of protoplasm found in vertebrate blood
    essential for blood clotting

    Synonym: platelet thrombocyte