
bloomer [ˈblu:mə(r)]  ['blu:mər] 

bloomer 基本解释
bloomer 网络解释


1. 完全成熟的人:bloom 闪耀 | bloomer 完全成熟的人 | blotto 大醉的

2. 初轧机:bloom roll 初轧辊 | bloomer 初轧机 | bloomery 熟铁精炼炉

3. 开坯机:bloomary 熟铁块吹炼法 | bloomer 开坯机 | bloomery 土法熟铁吹炼法

4. 挫折:bloomer girl 大胆的女孩 | bloomer 挫折 | bloomers 灯笼裤

bloomer 单语例句

1. The Desperate Housewives star has previously revealed that she was a late bloomer, and that the experience has made her look beyond superficial beauty.

2. I was a very late bloomer and I was terrified of men.

bloomer 英英释义



1. an embarrassing mistake

    Synonym: blunder blooper bungle pratfall foul-up fuckup flub botch boner boo-boo

2. a flower that blooms in a particular way

    e.g. a night bloomer