
blot [blɒt]  [blɑ:t] 








blot 基本解释

名词污渍; 墨渍; 弱点; (十五子棋中)易被吃掉的孤立棋子

及物动词涂抹; 玷污,弄脏; 吸掉

不及物动词(污点或污渍)溅出; 被吸掉

blot 相关例句


1. He blotted his driving record by having an accident.

2. The dense fog blotted out the whole view.

3. She blotted her copybook when she arrived late for work.


1. My pen blots easily.


1. Is there any way to remove the ink blot on my dress?

blot 网络解释


1. 印迹:三、核酸限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)分析RFLP分析是限制性内切酶、核酸电泳、印迹(blot)技术、探针-杂交技术的综合应用,多用于临床遗传性疾病的基因诊断. 基本原理是遗传性疾病多有基因的缺陷,如基因缺失、基因插入、编码区小范围核苷酸序列改变或点突变等.

2. 玷污,损害风景的东西:9. each punch and chop 每一个击、打 | 10. blot 玷污,损害风景的东西 | 11. tinker 修补,调整

3. 污渍, 污点 <单词词性>弄污:a bed of flowers 安乐窝 | blot 污渍, 污点 <单词词性>弄污 | drepaniform 镰形的

4. 龙头妖:Hun-Gurrr 龙头魔 | Blot 龙头妖 | Cutthroad 龙头精

blot 词典解释


1. (名誉上的)污点,耻辱
    If something is a blot on a person's or thing's reputation, it spoils their reputation.

    e.g. ...a blot on the reputation of the architectural profession...
    e.g. This drugs scandal is another blot on the Olympics.

2. 污渍;污痕;污点
    A blot is a drop of liquid that has fallen on to a surface and has dried.

    e.g. ink blot.

3. (用软纸或布)吸干,擦干
    If you blot a surface, you remove liquid from it by pressing a piece of soft paper or cloth onto it.

    e.g. Before applying make-up, blot the face with a tissue to remove any excess oils...

4. 破坏整体美的事物;煞风景的事物
    If you describe something such as a building as a blot on the landscape, you mean that you think it is very ugly and spoils an otherwise attractive place.

    e.g. The developers insist the 80m village will not leave a blot on the landscape.

相关词组:blot out

blot 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Volunteers change the deep fryer's oil after each batch and blot each piece of fried fish dry of extra grease.

2. blot的近义词

2. This is a blot on our society and must be rooted out.

3. Gamma ray bursts would also trigger smog formation that could blot out sunlight and rain down acid.

4. blot是什么意思

4. Some netizens are angry, while others even say the sexy photographs are a blot on the image of teachers.

5. For honest operators like Xiang, these cooks from hell are a blot on Guijie's reputation.

6. But there will be one red blot on the report card the green component.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. But is corruption really the biggest blot on the country's image?

blot 英英释义


1. an act that brings discredit to the person who does it

    e.g. he made a huge blot on his copybook

    Synonym: smear smirch spot stain

2. a blemish made by dirt

    e.g. he had a smudge on his cheek

    Synonym: smudge spot daub smear smirch slur


1. make a spot or mark onto

    e.g. The wine spotted the tablecloth

    Synonym: spot fleck blob

2. dry (ink) with blotting paper