blow can

blow can

blow can 单语例句

1. BPA could also be used to deduce evidence that can be presented in court to blow apart a criminal's lies.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. But while the deaths are obviously fictional, they can also be a severe blow to an actor's career and happiness.

3. The wind turbine can blow the impurities on the surface of grains away.

4. Experienced boatmen can blow up a sheepskin bag within 30 seconds, while for others it may take about 20 minutes.

5. You always have to be careful against great players, they can always hit you with a knockout blow.

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6. We hope he can turn this blow into a stimulus and do an even better job in the future.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. China's magical mountains lure the world's best climbers and offer an unrivaled taste of heaven but they can also deliver a deadly blow.

8. blow can的意思

8. The mongoose's quick reflexes help it dodge the cobra's defensive bite, and its powerful jaws can dispatch a snake in one blow.

9. Daniel Craig has dealt James Bond bosses another blow - by admitting he can't play poker.

10. blow can的近义词

10. But that does not mean China can take the blow dealt by the yuan's faster revaluation without suffering an economic shock.