
bluster [ˈblʌstə(r)]  [ˈblʌstɚ] 








bluster 基本解释

不及物动词咆哮,威吓; 怒冲冲地说; 狂吹,夸口

名词吓唬,怒号; 狂风声,巨浪声

bluster 相关例句



1. He blustered out a threat.

2. He blustered his way through the crowd.


1. He was very excited and angry and blustered for a while.

2. The wind blustered around the house.


1. He impressed no one by his bluster.

bluster 网络解释


1. 虾或=吓唬:各应=讨厌=be disgusted with | 虾或=吓唬=bluster | 起儿=层=floor

2. 呼啸狂吹汹涌:blurred signal 模糊信号 | bluster 呼啸狂吹;汹涌 | bluster 呼啸狂吹汹涌

3. 咆哮:blushing 羞愧 | bluster 咆哮 | BO 血型

4. 风狂吹:bluster out 咆哮 | bluster 风狂吹 | blustering 狂暴的

bluster 词典解释

1. 咆哮;叫嚷
    If you say that someone is blustering, you mean that they are speaking aggressively but without authority, often because they are angry or offended.

    e.g. 'That's lunacy,' he blustered...
    e.g. He was still blustering, but there was panic in his eyes.

bluster 单语例句

1. Much of the election rhetoric being peddled by the Romney campaign must be dismissed as little more than bluff and bluster.

2. He played the role with an eye patch and plenty of bluster.

3. But analysts say that is bluster that will blow away if heightened tensions are allowed to ease.

4. Some officials and analysts described Iran's threat as bluster and an attempt to drive up oil price.

5. " This is the kind of bluster that indicates that they're feeling pressure, " she said at a regular press briefing.

bluster 英英释义


1. bluster的翻译

1. a swaggering show of courage

    Synonym: bravado

2. vain and empty boasting

    Synonym: braggadocio rodomontade rhodomontade

3. a violent gusty wind

4. bluster的翻译

4. noisy confusion and turbulence

    e.g. he was awakened by the bluster of their preparations


1. act in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner

    Synonym: swagger swash

2. bluster的近义词

2. show off

    Synonym: boast tout swash shoot a line brag gas blow vaunt gasconade

3. blow hard
    be gusty, as of wind

    e.g. A southeaster blustered onshore
           The flames blustered