第三人称复数:boarding cards
1. 登机牌:也许由于飞机只是在曼谷中停一下,在下飞机的时候,在廊桥上还有人专门查看你的登机牌(boarding card),千万不要丢了,本人差点给扔了,还好lp顺手都给装在随身带的包里.
2. 登机卡:1、 在乘坐的航空公司柜台处办理机手续领取登机卡 (Boarding Card) 和托运行李;2、 填写出境卡 (Outgoing Passenger Card)主要内容:名字,姓名,护照号码,国籍,出生地,出生年月日,性别,在澳洲停留时间,主要停留地,居住国,职业,航班号,
3. 登机证:登机门号码 Gate Number | 登机证 Boarding Card | 机场税 Airport Tax
4. 乘车证:boarder 寄膳者 | boarding card 乘车证 | boarding house 公寓
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. Zeng was boarding a train recently when he was asked to show his identification card.
2. boarding card
2. The employee on duty had refused to give the woman a boarding pass after finding out her temporary ID card had expired.
1. a pass that allows you to board a ship or plane
Synonym: boarding pass