bob up

bob up [ˈbɔb ʌp]  [ˈbɑb ʌp] 

bob up 基本解释

bob up什么意思

名词钟摆; (丝带、头发等的)一束; (孩童或女子的)短发; 跳跃舞(一种苏格兰民间舞)


bob up 相关例句


1. I haven't seen him around for a while, but I'm sure he'll bob up again soon.

bob up 网络解释

bob up在线翻译

1. 突然出现:bob up like a cork 东山再起 | bob up 突然出现 | bob wig 法官假发

bob up 单语例句

1. Some 30 artists from Bob Geldof to Bono took part and the concert was beamed to an audience of up to two billion people.

2. bob up什么意思

2. The only other host to hosted more times was Bob Hope, who notched up 19 Oscar ceremonies.

3. bob up的近义词

3. Miramax bosses Harvey and Bob Weinstein bought back the film and hooked up with Lions Gate Films and IFC to distribute it.

4. " They didn't want us to play against each other when we were growing up, " Bob said.

bob up 英英释义

bob up


1. originate or come into being

    e.g. a question arose

    Synonym: arise come up