body condition

body condition

body condition 单语例句

1. Almost all sweet soups adhere to the Chinese principle of food as medicine, and will nourish a certain part of the body or alleviate a certain condition.

2. The truck driver suffered burns to 30 percent of his body and was in serious condition.


3. One of the doctors at Southwest Hospital said the girl suffered burns on 60 percent of her body and that she remains in critical condition.

4. Liu can detect a medical condition by feeling a patient's body with his hands, the unique method of diagnosis his teacher taught him.

5. Huang Shuhua said her daughter did not have any heart condition and the tests did not explain the bruises all over her body.

6. The condition means the skinny socialite's blood sugar levels are often too low to provide an adequate amount of energy for her body.

7. It disrupts the body's production of tear fluid, causing a condition that experts call " office eye syndrome ".


8. He is in stable condition with a normal body temperature, the Beijing Health Bureau said.

9. The suspected SARS patient has registered a normal body temperature for five consecutive days and is now in stable condition.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Physical condition of the three astronauts including their body temperature and blood pressure all stayed normal.