
bombardon [bɒm'bɑ:dən]  [bɒm'bɑ:dən] 

bombardon 基本解释


名词低音大号; 低音大号音栓

bombardon 网络解释


1. 铜管乐器:bombardment 炮击 | bombardon 铜管乐器 | bombasine 丝棉

2. 低音喇叭:bombarder 轰击器 | bombardon 低音喇叭 | bombax cotton 木棉

3. 低音大号:bombarder 轰击器 | bombardon 低音大号 | bombardon 低音簧舌塞子

bombardon 双语例句

1. Bombardon:a brass instrument resembling a tuba but with a lower pitch; a bass or contra bass tuba.

2. Bombardon: a brass instrument resembling a tuba but with a lower pitch; a bass or contrabass tuba.

3. Bombardon:a brass instrument resembling a tuba but with a lower pitch; a bass or contrabass tuba.

bombardon 英英释义



1. bombardon

1. a large shawm
    the bass member of the shawm family

    Synonym: bombard

2. bombardon的反义词

2. a tuba that coils over the shoulder of the musician

    Synonym: helicon