bona fide

bona fide [ˌbəʊnə ˈfaɪdi]  [ˌboʊnə ˈfaɪdi] 

bona fide 基本解释

bona fide

形容词善意的; 真正的; 真诚的; 真实的

bona fide 网络解释

bona fide的解释

1. 真诚地:以及在美国和世界其他国家首次使用的日期(需精确到年月) 以意向使用(Intend-to-Use)为基础提交申请 意图使用是指虽然商标在提交申请时尚未在美国使用,但是申请人真诚地(Bona Fide)计划即将在美国使用

2. 真诚真实:由于证监会早前已经取走了投票记录,因此证监会有责任向法庭解释在投票纪录中看到甚么. 黄国桐又说,如果法庭认为有些在股东会投票的不是真诚真实(bona fide)的股东,法庭有权推翻私有化议案或者在议案中附加特别条件.

bona fide 词典解释

1. 真实的;真正的;名副其实的
    If something or someone is bona fide, they are genuine or real.

    e.g. We are happy to donate to bona fide charitable causes...
    e.g. We simply cannot believe that a bona fide seller would conduct business on this basis.

bona fide 单语例句

1. The fact that there are almost as many illegal cabs as legal ones shows how bad the bona fide service is at meeting market demand.


2. Whether such learning programs are just diploma mills or bona fide centers of continuing education is a question that is troubling many.

3. Local newspapers have questioned the product's safety, arguing that smokers inhale more nicotine on average than with a bona fide cigarette.

4. Japan has claimed the reefs are bona fide islands that can be used to map its exclusive economic zone in the East China Sea.

5. It marks the first time a bona fide Hollywood star has played a 100 percent domestically financed production in China.

6. bona fide的解释

6. The happy owners of bona fide fighting crickets could easily make a fortune out of them.

7. Therefore, enterprise should be honest and bear bona fide in its mind in registration.

8. Medvedev is the bona fide head of state while Putin the " spiritual leader " of the nation.

bona fide 英英释义


1. not counterfeit or copied

    e.g. an authentic signature
           a bona fide manuscript
           an unquestionable antique
           photographs taken in a veritable bull ring

    Synonym: authentic unquestionable veritable

2. undertaken in good faith

    e.g. a bona fide offer