
bonnie ['bɒnɪ]  ['bɒnɪ] 

bonnie 基本解释


bonnie 网络解释

1. 邦妮:故事梗概: 邦妮(Bonnie)和克莱德(Clyde)是一男一女亡命之徒,心狠手辣. 他们先是光天化日在闹巿茶楼当众杀掉他们的仇人,接著往地下钱庄打劫,碰上几名正在休班的飞虎队员:幸运伦、无方向等. 克莱德(Clyde)的哥哥在高尚住宅区当保安,

2. 伯尼:TAOBAO店伯尼(Bonnie)网购是真的钻吗?TAOBAO店伯尼(Bonnie)网购是真的钻吗?TAOBAO店伯尼(Bonnie)网购是真的钻吗?TAOBAO店伯尼(Bonnie)网购是真的钻吗?TAOBAO店伯尼(Bonnie)网购是真的钻吗?TAOBAO店伯尼(Bonnie)网购是真的钻吗?TAOBAO店

3. 邦妮 拉丁 甜美、漂亮、优雅而善良的人:Bblythe 布莱兹 英国, 无忧无虑的;快乐的. | Bonnie, 邦妮, 拉丁, 甜美、漂亮、优雅而善良的人. | Breenda 布蓝达 盖尔, 挑拨者;剑;黑发

4. 邦妮......甜美 漂亮 优雅而善良的人:Bblythe 布莱兹......无忧无虑的 快乐的 | Bonnie 邦妮......甜美 漂亮 优雅而善良的人 | Bridget 布丽姬特......强壮 力量

bonnie 单语例句

1. Bonnie McCarty said her husband is preparing for a yearlong tour of duty in Iraq.

2. It could become Tropical Storm Bonnie later Thursday and reach the Gulf of Mexico by Saturday.

3. The weak remnants of Bonnie were on course to make landfall over southeast Louisiana or southern Mississippi early on Sunday.

4. Bonnie is a delightful woman from Guangdong who speaks enough English to answer my questions and understand what I want.

5. Bonnie Stern said she couldn't remember having the items sent to Smith or her brother.

bonnie 英英释义



1. very pleasing to the eye

    e.g. my bonny lass
           there's a bonny bay beyond
           a comely face
           young fair maidens

    Synonym: bonny comely fair sightly