book cover

book cover [buk ˈkʌvə]  [bʊk ˈkʌvɚ] 

book cover 基本解释
book cover 网络解释

1. 书的封面封底:book catalogue,volume catalogue 书本式目录 | book cover 书的封面封底 | book decoration 书籍装帧

2. 图书封面:book coupon || 购书代价券, 售书证 | book cover || 图书封面 | book credit || 帐面上之贷项

3. (書的)封面:lead筆芯 | book cover(書的)封面 | sharpen your pencil銷鉛筆

book cover 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. The book will cover TCM legends and stories that are easy to comprehend for school children.

2. book cover在线翻译

2. The cover of the book also uses a matte laminated jacket with a special " lip gloss " effect.

3. book cover的意思

3. The cover of the book'A Year Without'Made in China, ''is pictured in this undated photograph.

4. The Club of Rome's monumental book " The Limits to Growth " came out in 1972, with a picture of the earth on its cover.

5. Jennifer is often noted for her style and earlier this year her face was featured on the cover of a beauty book.

6. In this book cover image released by Random House, 'Every Last One'by Anna Quindlen is shown.

7. The book's cover shows a blue and a pink baby carriage and has family photos of the'Hero'singer and Nick.

8. The cover of the new book features the golden Nobel Prize logo and the words " by China's first Nobel Literature Prize winner Mo Yan ".

9. book cover的解释

9. But what's most shocking is that the book's cover shrieks Matisse - not vintage comics artist.

10. There's a saying that you should never judge a book by its cover, or a person by their outfit.