book lung

book lung [buk lʌŋ]  [bʊk lʌŋ] 

book lung 基本解释
book lung 网络解释

book lung的近义词

1. 书肺:多数的种类以外胚层形成的呼吸器官进行气体交换.水生的种类用鳃,或书...鳃(book gill)进行呼吸,书鳃是体壁表皮细胞向外的突起,或是体壁整齐...的折叠,用以增大体表与水接触的表面积.陆生的种类用书肺(book lung)

book lung 双语例句


1. A price of three times book value is equivalent to paying HK $ 161.25 a share for Wing Lung, according to Merrill Lynch analysts.

book lung 英英释义

book lung在线翻译


1. organ in many arachnids containing many thin folds of membrane resembling the leaves of a book