
bookstand ['bʊkstænd]  ['bʊkstænd] 

bookstand 基本解释
bookstand 网络解释

1. 书架, 书摊:inexpert 不熟练的 生手 | bookstand 书架, 书摊 | give the blessing (神父等)给教徒祝福

2. 书架:bookstall 书报摊 | bookstand 书架 | bookstore 书店

3. 书立:修改胶带correctiontap | 书立bookstand | 日记簿diarybook

4. 书摊:bomber 轰炸机 | bookstand 书摊 | book 登记

bookstand 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. They were reading at the little bookstand for free, or to borrow favorite books at the bookstand without giving any deposit.