
boomerang [ˈbu:məræŋ]  [ˈbuməˌræŋ] 






boomerang 基本解释

名词自作自受; (澳大利亚)回飞镖; 伤及原提案者的言论及提议

不及物动词(计划)产生事与愿违的结果; 自食其杲

boomerang 相关例句


1. His plan to reduce the number of workers boomeranged on him.

boomerang 网络解释

1. 回力镖:沿街而设的,有冰激淋和咖啡店,更有琳琅满目的商铺在兜售着各类澳洲特色纪念品如鳄鱼皮革制品、考拉和袋鼠玩偶等,或粗或细的迪吉里杜管(Didgeridoo)和或大或小回力镖(Boomerang)上,彩绘着看不懂的土著符号,古老而神秘.

boomerang 词典解释

1. 飞去来器,回力镖(澳大利亚土著人最先使用)
    A boomerang is a curved piece of wood which comes back to you if you throw it in the correct way. Boomerangs were first used by the people who were living in Australia when Europeans arrived there.

2. (计划)起反作用,使自食其果
    If a plan boomerangs, its result is not the one that was intended and is harmful to the person who made the plan.

    e.g. The trick boomeranged, though...
    e.g. He risks defeat in the referendum which he called, but which threatens to boomerang against him.

boomerang 单语例句

1. He warned that the consequences of such " blasphemous " acts will boomerang on their perpetrators, according to the report.

2. Usually a smile acts like a boomerang and comes right back at you but sometimes it can be a challenge.

3. But the main causes of China's boomerang generation are the flaws in the distribution of public resources and public services.

4. The move appears to have had a boomerang effect after stirring public controversy last year.

5. It's impossible to solve the problem of boomerang children without a host of system changes and reforms.

boomerang 英英释义


1. boomerang在线翻译

1. a miscalculation that recoils on its maker

    Synonym: backfire

2. a curved piece of wood
    when properly thrown will return to thrower

    Synonym: throwing stick throw stick


1. return to the initial position from where it came
    like a boomerang