
boon [bu:n]  [bun] 


boon 基本解释


名词恩惠; 福利

形容词快乐的; <古>慷慨的

boon 相关例句



1. Radio is a boon to the blind.

boon 网络解释


1. 恩物,恩赐:bonus 红利,奖金 | boon 恩物,恩赐 | bounty 奖金,慷慨好施

2. 恩惠,福利:boom 繁荣 | boon 恩惠,福利 | boor 粗野的人

3. 福利:boomerang effect 飞去来器效应 | boon 福利 | boost 促进

boon 词典解释

1. boon的意思

1. 给生活带来方便的事物
    You can describe something as a boon when it makes life better or easier for someone.

    e.g. It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people...
    e.g. This battery booster is a boon for photographers.

boon 单语例句

1. boon的意思

1. It will provide a boon to US manufacturers such as Caterpillar Inc as tariffs on manufactured goods are ended immediately.

2. boon什么意思

2. The new laws have not only been a boon for safety, but also the capital's chauffer services.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. The reconstruction process may also prove to be a boon for construction materials such as concrete and steel.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. Strong growth in the commercial airline sector is anticipated over the coming decades with new airliners needed to meet the anticipated boon in air travel.

5. boon的解释

5. While many foreign companies will see taxes rise, the new code could be a boon to some.

6. Weekend tourists are a boon to rural areas, which profit handsomely from their visits.

7. While that may be a boon in the winter, it's a burden for someone stuck in summer heat.

8. Will the change keep on and is that a boon for consumers?

9. " The launch of the second board market will be a boon for venture capitalists, " said Mao Nan of Orient Securities.

10. Although the wages seem paltry compared with those of urbanite Beijingers, they are a boon to migrants.

boon 英英释义


1. a desirable state

    e.g. enjoy the blessings of peace
           a spanking breeze is a boon to sailors

    Synonym: blessing


1. very close and convivial

    e.g. boon companions